The Monsoon Accessorise Trust

The Monsoon Accessorise Trust
Delhi is one of the main areas The Monsoon Accessorise Trust helps with large industrial areas of New Delhi which consists of mainly slums with rudimentary or non existent essentials such as fresh water that's non polluted etc. The trust has formed an education centre and a welfare centre with the charity starting off as support for disadvantaged women and children there main cause it to help them. 
With many children living near or on railway tracks picking up rubbish for a living the trust establishes this is not a substantial way of living and something needed to be done so they funded a building to create a hospital for this children that were often abandoned or run away from home and many in the unfortunate cases have been in contact with prostitution or drugs so its essential they our brought up with love and care which the trust provides. 
Rajhstan's children often find work picking cotton or on construction sites which once again isn't an ideal for young children who have received little or no education at all. Therefore they financed over 200 pre schools for under 5 year old's to ensure this doesn't continue. They also allow older children into the schools to receive an education too for their role as guardian of the children while there mothers worked the fields our no longer necessary. They have also financed immunisation clinics and have helped to increase the amount of immunised people by 40%.
Helping people from 1994 they have made a huge impact and different to these peoples lives. Today they our continuing to fund and have touched over 10,000 women and children in Asia per year. In Afghanistan they have helped rebuild and fund the silk industry to provide jobs for women and to decrease the amount of poverty. They our essentially opening up opportunities to women and kids that would have otherwise had no chance in life to get the same opportunities,education and healthcare we receive without a bat of an eye lid.

The boutique and fair trade aspect also helps fund these projects, with only sustainable fashion and re cycling monsoon fabrics and rather then chucking away left over fabrics they transform them and create something new and beautiful in its own right. With all profits going to the trust its a fantastic charity.
By ensuring they use more energy efficient equipment in their stores they our once again preserving life and our participating in the green action programme. Constantly looking for new ways to package their products in a more sustainable way they only use FSC paper bags and biodegradable plastics. In Wales they have taken a dramatic step by charging customers 5p per bag to hopefully ensure and put off customers from buying their bags to reduce the amount of waste. Cleverly they have put the alternatives of using a reusable bag once again encouraging re using and recycling or a cotton bag with all of the profits going to charities in Wales.
But the main interest of mine is their sustainable fashion, Monsoon create beautiful garments and products, at present they our helping Indian fashion students to use sustainable fabrics and also through their clothes for life campaign they encourage customers to up cycle their old clothes rather than throw them away.


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